Youth Crime
Our team comprises a number of Youth Crime Specialists and we are able to represent young people from the point of arrest until the case is concluded. We are able to communicate with young people in a non-intimidating manner and are ready to explain complex legal concepts in a way that can be understood.
We work closely with a team of psychiatrists and psychologists for young people’s specialist needs. The majority of young people are eligible for public funding and therefore they need not pay for our services.
We are willing to see young people either alone or with family members. Initial consultations are free and more importantly, completely confidential.
As a youth can I go into custody (prison)?
Whilst it is right to say that some young people can go into custody, called a Detention and Training Order, it is much less likely in the Youth Court in comparison to the adult court. There are a number of conditions which must be met before a young person can go into custody and the Youth Court are discouraged from sending young people into detention when it can be avoided.
What support will I receive at Court?
Either both or one of your parents can attend and sit in court with you. A carer or other close family member is also allowed to do this. Some young people, when they attend court, will see the Youth Offending Team (YOT) who will supervise and support you if the court make an order that you must abide by.
Do I have to tell my parent or guardian that I have to attend court?
Sometimes it is useful if someone close to you knows that you are due to attend court. However, we understand that sometimes circumstances make this difficult. We confirm that any information you provide us is in the strictest of confidence and we will not divulge any information unless you permit this.