Debbie Silvey
Mental Health Department

Debbie obtained her Ilex City and Guilds Level 3 Diploma for Legal Secretaries –
Distinction in August 2008, which included Business Skills in the Legal Environment
and Advanced Legal Word Processing in both text and audio production.
Debbie has worked in the legal profession since 1980, beginning her career as a
receptionist and working her way upwards to secretarial, and assisting at senior
level. She has a wealth of experience, having covered many aspects of the law.
Debbie joined the MH team at Levy and Co in 2016, and works as the Mental Health
Manager. Debbie is a central focus for the team and liaises with clients, hospitals,
and the Tribunal Service. Debbie is the first point of call for all clients and
professionals and this enables her to give immediate and accurate details to clients
and professionals alike, on who will be attending them and when. We pride
ourselves on having excellent client care in the Mental Health Department and
Debbie enables our clients to have the best service. Debbie ensures that all clients
have full knowledge of the progress of their case and updates clients regularly.
Debbie is also the Compliance Manager for the Department and ensures that we
receive excellent ratings in relation to the services we provide.
Her interests involve the retro era of the late 1940’s to 1950’s. Debbie also enjoys
walking and is slowly learning to speak and writes Spanish.