Why was Ben Stokes found not guilty?

Why was Ben Stokes found not guilty?

Why was Ben Stokes found not guilty? Who is Ben Stokes? He is the England cricketer who was charged with affray and acquitted by a jury. But the video showed him hitting someone? It did, his defence was that he was acting in self-defence, you can hit someone and still...
Racially aggravated offences

Racially aggravated offences

Racially aggravated offences Racially aggravated offences In recent years legislation has been enacted to ensure that crimes demonstrating a hostility towards certain groups of people are treated more seriously than before. If an offence is said to be racially...
Weapons – Government to Get Tough

Weapons – Government to Get Tough

The government has released the Offensive Weapons Bill, which is intended to signify a stricter approach to the possession of weapons and liquids that can be used to hurt others, such as caustic compounds. The bill is part of the government’s response to the...
Burglary and Self-Defence

Burglary and Self-Defence

Following the case of 78-year-old Richard Osborn-Brooks, who was briefly probed after the fatal stabbing of a burglar who invaded his house, the law of self-defence is once again in the spotlight. Mr. Osborn-Brooks awoke in the early hours of the morning to find two...
New Domestic Abuse Protections Announced

New Domestic Abuse Protections Announced

The government has announced more adjustments in response to its recent declaration regarding the sentencing of domestic violence offences. There will be a new definition of domestic abuse that clarifies that it covers economic abuse and controlling behaviour and...