Political Betting

Political Betting

A man walks into a betting shop or uses a gambling website and places a £100 bet on the date of the general election. Three days later, the Prime Minister names the day, and the man wins his bet. On the face of it, this is unremarkable. People bet on all kinds of...
Cryptoassets and Proceeds of Crime

Cryptoassets and Proceeds of Crime

The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 has received Royal Assent and, when in force, will implement a large number of changes aimed at fighting economic crime and other illegal activity. One major reform in the Act is in relation to Cryptoassets and...
Dirty money

Dirty money

Dirty money The Government has published the new Economic Crime Plan for the next three years. In it, they unveil their strategy for dealing with all types of economic crime, such as money laundering, fraud, market abuse, and bribery. What is economic crime, and why...
Bankruptcy – Time to Stop Digging

Bankruptcy – Time to Stop Digging

Bankruptcy – Time to Stop Digging For many people being declared bankrupt represents either personal and/or business failure, bringing with it feelings of embarrassment, shame and anxiety.   From a legal perspective, the story may not be over, as the law requires...
Unexplained Wealth Orders

Unexplained Wealth Orders

On January 31, 2018, rules implementing portions of the Criminal Finances Act 2017 dealing with unexplained wealth orders (UWOs) and other related measures went into effect. The goal of this new order is to make it possible for those who get property that is above...