We take a very serious view of what in the judgment we will describe as a debacle, whatever the outcome.

We want to know how did it come about that he was instructed when he lacked expertise? We are very concerned as to how he can have been instructed, the due diligence, and how it came to light.

We are troubled by it.”

This particular witness was exposed by what has been described as a ‘devastating cross-examination’ by a defence barrister.

Expertise Matters

While appeal courts exist to address errors, this does not guarantee that every trial error will result in an acquittal.

As a result, it’s critical that everything is done correctly the first time.

This necessitates a defence team with a thorough understanding of international finance, the ability to decipher the complexity of your case, and the ability to collaborate with top attorneys capable of “devastating cross-examination.”

We have a proven track record of defending complicated financial crimes, so contact us to examine your options before entrusting your case to anybody else.