Liar, ITV’s new six-part thriller, has the nation enthralled, with viewers already debating whether Laura, played by Joanne Froggatt (well known for her role as Anna Bates in Downton Abbey), is speaking the truth when she accuses surgeon Andrew of raping her.

For the most part, this is a really watchable drama as we alternate between who we believe and who we don’t, our perceptions shifting over time as the complex writing and device plots modify our preconceptions.

It’s unsurprising that some people have already formed an opinion, and recent study suggests that half of the jurors may reach a guilty judgement before even deliberating with the rest of the jury.

We all know that people, like you, are prone to changing their thoughts as the storey progresses.

As a result, it’s critical to provide a compelling case from the start, building a solid foundation for a successful defence.

Our Role

For our clients and their families, having to face an accusation of rape or other sexual crime can be a really horrible experience. So, what is our role and how do we defend such cases?

Reactive and Proactive

We always begin with a reactive mindset. The complainant claims they were inebriated, whereas our client claims they were not. One individual claims that they entered the bedroom without being invited, while another claims that they were invited, and so on.

With this vital effort, we can establish the groundwork for a defence, but we don’t have the benefit of watching the incident unfold on a TV screen, with the truth revealed at the conclusion.

Instead, we only have conflicting versions, and it can feel as if it’s just one word versus another, which it often is unless you look for more proof.

It is a proactive approach to case preparation that distinguishes itself. We always make certain that:

  • All relevant witnesses traced.
  • Any CTTV evidence secured.
  • Forensic evidence analysed.
  • Background checks completed.
  • Details of false allegations pursued.

and, as said in Liar, any psychological disorders are investigated.

We also recognise the personal toll that legal processes will have on you and your family, and we can provide a compassionate and soothing voice at a time when the future may seem bleak.

Levy Solicitors has expertise defending similar situations.

Come meet us, get a sense of our work ethic, and be certain that you are getting the finest defence available before handing your case to anybody else.

Because you only get one shot at this, the alternative is unimaginable.

We provide cheap private client services, and legal assistance may be available.


How can we help?

We ensure we keep up to date with any changes in legislation and case law so that we are always best placed to advise you properly. If you would like to discuss any aspect of your case, please contact our team of criminal defence specialists on: 01376 511819